Discover Logging operator, K8sGPT, kcp, KubeStellar, Copa, Kanister, KCL, Easegress, Kuasar, krkn, kube-burner, and Spiderpool. Learn when and how these tools can help in your Cloud Native journey.
DevOps & Kubernetes Goodies
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Stay informed about the latest announcements in the Cloud Native ecosystem, delivered during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2024. Here are important software releases, new certifications, and more.
Cost monitoring for Kubernetes can be tricky. Find out how we automated it for EKS clusters with spot instances in AWS using Kubecost, Amazon Athena, and our Terraform modules. Benefit from the source code we share.
Using PgBouncer for your PostgreSQL databases in production? Monitoring this connection pooler is essential to ensure the applications’ reliability and performance. Learn how to make it just right with real-life examples for Odarix.
New projects are joining CNCF and can surely help with your Cloud Native needs. Let’s discover Inspektor Gadget, Headlamp, Kepler, SlimToolkit, SOPS, Clusternet, Eraser, PipeCD, Microcks, kpt, Xline, HwameiStor, and KubeClipper!
Interested in trying a community-backed fork of Terraform? See how you can migrate your deployments to OpenTofu and which benefits this IaC tool brings.
Learn what you should consider before running stateful components apps in Kubernetes, how these apps work in K8s, and which operators we use for ClickHouse, Redis, Kafka, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.
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