Let’s take a close look at the evolution of werf, a CLI tool for implementing efficient CI/CD in Kubernetes, over time. We will also come to know the role Helm has played in the solution’s development, discover why an alternative called Nelm has emerged, and learn about the changes it’s brought about.
Publications by tag CI/CD
werf strives to make software delivery in Kubernetes consistent and efficient. Here's the story behind this project and a quick look at what it offers today.
A tutorial guiding you through setting up GitLab Package Registry to store your Helm charts in a centralized fashion.
Developing applications that will run in Kubernetes can be painful if you don't have a ready-to-use K8s cluster and relevant CI/CD pipelines. Here's one fast & simple way to deal with that.
Learn why review environments might be useful for you and how you can implement them in Kubernetes using GitLab CI.
Helm templates and standard Helm library are insufficient for you? Learn how to make your templates more flexible and dynamic by implementing your own Helm “functions” and exploiting the capabilities of the tpl function.
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