If you're challenged with maintaining a pile of YAMLs for your Kubernetes, more advanced language might come to the rescue. Dhall is one of such options.
Publications by tag Kubernetes
Cloud transformation can be a daunting task. Hear how Adapty was able to reduce their costs by 50% and improve performance with help from Palark.
Summarizing the results of containers & Kubernetes studies made during the 2021 year by Datadog, Sysdig, CNCF, Red Hat, Canonical, and others.
Ever wondered how the classic terminal experience of interacting with K8s can be enhanced? This tool boasts original ideas and features that might bring it to the next level.
Ever imagined someone managing Kubernetes clusters from a phone? Well, kubenav makes it feasible! Let's have a look at it and compare its features with a default Kubernetes dashboard.
mcrouter is a memcached protocol router for scaling memcached deployments. Here's a story of how it helped to provide cache coherence for an app run in K8s.
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