Learn what you should consider before running stateful components apps in Kubernetes, how these apps work in K8s, and which operators we use for ClickHouse, Redis, Kafka, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.
Learn what you should consider before running stateful components apps in Kubernetes, how these apps work in K8s, and which operators we use for ClickHouse, Redis, Kafka, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.
Atlas is an Open Source tool that simplifies using the Infrastructure as Code approach for your database schemas. In this article, we will give it a try for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases running in containers.
CloudNativePG is a new Kubernetes operator for PostgreSQL DBMS, released early this year. Let's examine its main features and compare them with other existing solutions.
Here are the challenges of using MongoDB in Kubernetes and the options we have to overcome them including ready-to-use Helm charts and Kubernetes operators.
Fascinating lessons learned using the Kubernetes operator for PostgreSQL of our choice — Postgres Operator by Zalando. Problems and solutions, the story of migrating production.
Evaluating five popular Kubernetes operators for PostgreSQL: Stolon, Crunchy Data, Zalando, KubeDB, and StackGres — and comparing them in a features matrix.
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