We wanted to automatically build an interaction map between services in the Kubernetes cluster. Using Istio seemed to be an overkill. Here's what we did with NetFlow (and a bit of Python).
We wanted to automatically build an interaction map between services in the Kubernetes cluster. Using Istio seemed to be an overkill. Here's what we did with NetFlow (and a bit of Python).
Monokle lets you manage your Kubernetes configurations based on Helm or Kustomize using a convenient GUI.
Our recent experience with Chaos Mesh as a way to test an application run in Kubernetes for various disruptive scenarios.
Ever wondered how the classic terminal experience of interacting with K8s can be enhanced? This tool boasts original ideas and features that might bring it to the next level.
Ever imagined someone managing Kubernetes clusters from a phone? Well, kubenav makes it feasible! Let's have a look at it and compare its features with a default Kubernetes dashboard.
Creating manifests for complicated application deployments in Kubernetes might become really challenging due to Helm templates & YAML syntax limitations. If you're struggling with that, cdk8s can be an answer.
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