While using Flannel + kube-proxy in our Kubernetes platform for years, we've been challenged by increasing networking requirements. Cilium helped us to move forward, and here is why.
Publications by tag networking
We wanted to automatically build an interaction map between services in the Kubernetes cluster. Using Istio seemed to be an overkill. Here's what we did with NetFlow (and a bit of Python).
OIDC tokens are issued and signed by identity providers — an analog of identification and passport services. Let's dive into how it all works.
Sometimes you might need to make changes directly in etcd data of your Kubernetes cluster. Here is our experience in solving network issues using an enhanced version of etcdhelper tool.
How to keep all your IP addresses private to prevent DDoS attacks and other security vulnerabilities in your network infrastructure. Our real case and general recommendations.
Why configuring Kubernetes network settings using Calico is more convenient: explained and illustrated with simple examples.
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