Our new exciting SRE/Ops stories include complicated Linux server migration (bare-metal to VM), large PostgreSQL replica recovery, small case with ClickHouse Kubernetes operator, and abnormal result of CockroachDB upgrade.
Publications by tag PostgreSQL
19 March 2021
26 February 2021
Fascinating lessons learned using the Kubernetes operator for PostgreSQL of our choice — Postgres Operator by Zalando. Problems and solutions, the story of migrating production.
18 February 2021
Evaluating five popular Kubernetes operators for PostgreSQL: Stolon, Crunchy Data, Zalando, KubeDB, and StackGres — and comparing them in a features matrix.
4 August 2020
Our stories include a poorly prepared Kafka in Docker, an unexpected network issue for ZooKeeper & ClickHouse, a faulty hardware in the data center, and the PgSQL database optimization.
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